Right - for now (0710 and 0810) there is no supported "disked" MD option. The only option is "diskless", which means you cannot (easily) do wireless MDs. There are ways around this but they tend to be either involved or kludgy, and are definitely not supported configurations. There is certainly interest in getting a disked MD option back again for various reasons, including wireless MDs ... but for now, getting 0810 out the door is the priority. In 0710, there were issues with stability on the disked option so the functionality was removed. Once that stability issue can be addressed and the sync'ing issue of the image, I'm sure that CHT at least will look at adding it back in. Hopefully this can help you decide whether to wait for supported disked MDs or attempt to hack it yourself (I would recommend the former, as with the latter you will need to gain the support of someone who "knows" and is willing to help you through it!)