Ok, sorry about leaving information out... I wasn't sure what was needed.
Here is waht I found on my card ( I looked it up from my windows particion)
GEForce 7100 NVidia nforce 6800
Firmware 163.95
Driver version
I looked under Windows and the 640x480 is not available so I am not sure if it would under Linux (very new to Linux so be patient with me)
I also looked at the AV pages in the Wiki and read this:
If you hear the beeps but still don't see a picture, it's possible that the display you're using cannot handle 640x480. Press the number 6-9, or 0, as shown below, to select your resolution. Again, 15 seconds later, you should hear the beeps when the A/V Wizard is restarted. If you again need to choose a connector (other than the default VGA), press the 1-5 key (as above) and wait until you hear the beeps again. Repeat as often as needed.
Keys for choosing a resolution:
6: 640x480
7: 1024x768
8: 720p
9: 1080i
0: 1080p
so I am pressing the number 6 key for 15 seconds but nothing happens ( did I understand this correctly? to change resolutions I just press 6-0 for 15 seconds and the resolution will change according to the button pressed? no other key sequence to press along with the number key? )
Sorry if this is deviating from the original question a little, I wanted to make sure I was doing that correctly.