Sorry to bring this subject up again! It has been discussed numerous times by people like me and Totallymaxed, etc... but I cannot recall what the status of this bug was, and I get mixed up as to exactly when it happens... I just came across it again so I thought I would put it down in writing as a line in the sand.
When browsing audio media in Album sort mode, albums that consist of tracks that come from more than one artist (eg compilations, dance music, classical, etc) each artist has its own Album tile in the Album sort mode, when you click on one of these identical "Album" tiles it takes you to a datagrid of the tracks attributed to that artist. Only once you click on a track do you get any indication of which artist it is.
Clearly, the Album sort should group together all album titles into a single unique instance for each. Then I would propose that under this either all the tracks are listed if all have the same Artist attribute, or if there are at least 2 Artists, then an additional datagrid layer be added between the Album datagrid and the track datagrid that lists/groups the artists together.
The first part of this (the symptoms) are looking for a bug fix, the latter (conditionally adding an extra datagrid layer) is, of course, looking for new functionality - I should have made that clear.
Either way, I'm sure that this has been fixed in the past (there maybe other sorts/instances where this behaviour occurs) but it seems to be back - I vaguely recall Andrew mentioning that it was fixed in an earlier version (perhaps b3 or b4) but came back in rc2 - my question is, has this been resolved and included in the 0810 alphas? (the bug, not the extra functionality)
The other point, that I believe Thom backed as well, was to add a little extra in the datagrid views in the way of indicating what view you are in and how things are grouped. Personally, I believe that a "bread crumbs" approach would be the most user friendly, as it would give a clear indication of the heirarchy level and aid it learning how to use sorts more efficiently - this could continue into the feature where when a track it about to be selected, you can click on one of the black attribute boxes to filter as this also obeys the heirarchy and often you need to hit back a few times to capture all of that attribute.
This is starting to get into the question of the nomenclature/labelling of Sorts and filters, so I will leave that to another time
As an example of where this seems to work well - in Performer sort mode, when you have a performer that you have more than one album of, it doesn't display the performer's name in multiple tiles, one for each album. There is one performer tile, then all the albums are listed beneath this when you click. And finally, all the tracks for the album you pick are listed beneath the album tile...