I'm trying to setup restriction for certain room, where I would have those scenarios I don't want any user could control.
I'm following instructions on web pages and here
http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Users and spot some confusion...
My procedure:
1. I've added Restricted room to system.
2. I want to restrict access to that room only on "Main Orbiter" in my kitchen.
3. I went into Advanced-Privacy.. - User-Orbiters and only left check for wife and me for "Main Orbiter"
4. I went into Advanced-Privacy.. - User-Rooms and only left check for wife and me for "Restricted" room
Now the problem :
- if I go into Advanced-Privacy.. -Restrict Access and look at Restricted room I see that all other users beside me and wife are granted access
ok, I go back in User-Rooms and check all other users and uncheck only wife and me (quite opposite as instructed on web page) and get back and now wife and me are granted access....
Now I wonder which one is right and which one is wrong?
Also it seems that Restrict Access displays similar info as above two options. Which one is more relevant ?
Has anyone properly implemented access restrictions in LMCE ?
Thanks in advance,