I have all my media on a Windows share
Well its windows... so I imagine you reboot it periodically.
I was using a cheap Iomega nas and thought that might be the problem.
Generally a reboot would bring it back....
Recently Put in a freenas worked great 30 days or so.... while I was feeding it new stuff.
Strangely enough now it seems to be dropping periodically
Sorry Tim, much as I would like to agree.... I am currently rebooting my core on average about every 4 days (sometimes by choice, but I still get instances occasionally where it locks), whereas my XP machine runs at least 3 weeks between reboots on average ... I never log out and constantly leave many applications and firefox sessions open - 13 ff sessions at the moment and that's about the norm.) Certainly, I have had periods of 2 weeks or more without having to reboot my core.... rarely anything like that for XP, generally only for the interminable windows updates! And yet I still consider my LMCE to be more stable than my windows system
pls don't ask me to justify that, it just is ... so there!
Andrew - I don't have a NAS (never mentioned one!) I have a D drive on my XP machine, on that I have a root level folder called Media which is shared out as the same. Then the LMCE structure is under that. I never turn off this machine, and it is rarely if ever off line. On your ssh/Konsole question, no, never. I rarely, if ever, cd into the media folders either from the core or my MD. In fact I would say that the only times I access those folders is from outside those folders doing a cp/mv to move files around, and that is only once in a blue moon. I can think of nothing that would stimulate autofs to maintain the mounts except playing media. Whilst we watch a lot of stuff, it can't be said to be continuous
When I check my windows security log, I see both the core and MD regularly authenticating against the share. Similarly, when I check the windows share admin point, there are regularly connections from the core when we are not watching anything. Authentications probably every 5 seconds. Connections seem less frequent, but sometimes last for minute or so at a time, which I interpret as UpdateMedia. Note, I _always_ create the share in the device tree with manual credentials at the share and server object levels... that would be something worth checking for you. This is a hang over from when I first set up LMCE, and it couldn't by default scan the folders even though it found them on its own, but didn't prompt for credentials. I have just gotten used to adding those details... don't know if it is still needed, but it could be material to maintaining the share as mounted I suppose.
Again, I mention that I normally only have a single share with media on it.... sounded like your environment was with many shares... also I don't have any local media drives on the core other than the root drive and that has no media on it....