I can speak as to being glad to not have to pay for Dish Network's DVR services. Now I do not have any HD TV's. I have all SD or LCD Monitors in my system, and I do mostly SD content from the Dish Network receivers as far as recording/viewing. I have 2 receivers on my living room MD, and 1 receiver on my Family room MD. My Core is headless and in the basement. And when you go through the setup wizard on each new MD, if you happen to have a capture card there with a STB, all you have to do, Is click use on any room with an MD, and a quick reload router later, you have a LiveTV <Receiver name> button on your media menu.
To make this work fluidly, get a USB-UIRT for each location that has an STB. This will give you full control of the receiver, no matter where you are, even if you are in another country, and want to play with your family's mind, our web orbiter is the tool for you
Fire off some LiveTV from a web browser. Oh, also, if you are feeling salty, mess with some lights while they are in the house.
Freymann hit it on the head when he mentioned how cool all this was.
Once you walk the path we are on, you just keep on walkin'
Welcome and Regards,