I have been experimenting with VDR since the fix to allow md's to watch TV. I have a nova t500 and have previously had this working under mythtv, at the time I noticed that one tuner on the t500 would find loads of channels and the other only a few.
Since trying on VDR I can setup the core and I can find 34 channels when doing
sudo scan -o vdr -p -u /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/uk-WinterHill > channels.conf
and I then managed to setup an md and copied across the channels.conf file. this resulted in me being able to watch any of the 34 channels on my MD as well as on the core.
Very pleased with the work Andrew and the rest have put into getting this to work my next stage was to work out why i am only getting 34 channels.
from my previous experience with mythtv i tried the same scan command but forced it to scan using the second tuner
sudo scan -o vdr -a1 -p -u /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/uk-WinterHill > channels.conf
this time I got 87 channels - is it possible that one tuner is more sensitive than the other?
currently I have a high gain digital aerial, but at the moment it is mounted in the loft for ease, I am now thinking that i am going to have to get it fitted on the roof to get a strong enough signal for both tuners to work
I tried uploading the new channels.conf with the 87 channels through the admin page and then tried watching tv on the core but this just brought up a pixelated image that after a few seconds disappeared and seemed to make VDR crash. I also tried copying the channels.conf file to the MD and then restarted everything, but this just seems to have broken the MDs tv.
I assume the first instance of TV takes up the first tuner, so if the first tuner can't find the channel in the channels.conf that the second tuner setup there is going to be issues?
I have now tried to go back to scan using the default tuner and now only get 16 channels and now I can;t get even these 16 channels to work on either the core or the MD even after a reboot of everything.
I already have a booster on the aerial, but it looks like I may have to get the aerial put on roof:( to sort my issue out? and even then I am unsure why I am having problems getting back the 34 original channels