I'm currently trying to add some generic 3rd party media player control to Pluto. I know I need some device be added to Pluto, that will be placed into Audio zone or room, and I also need to have media scenarios on Orbiter screen for that room/Audio zone.
I know all this, but don't know how to add such device (it could be dummy device, so I can start software wrapper with its ID later to intercept all commands to media player) and what do I need to add (Audio zone or new room) and how to setup media player, so it will be part of Orbiter menu for that room/Audio zone and get all needed media scenarios on that screen too.
I'd kindly ask for brief explanation and tutorial. Maybe adding dummy MD would help, but that would certainly eat disk space. Any easier and lighter solution ? Maybe something similar to squeezebox player, but with other player... But how to do it ?
What if I add Audio receiver to setup or some other device that could be easily used to start wrapper under same id as device...
Thanks in advance,