Like others, I've been trying to find a cheap solution to get a touchscreen computer in my kitchen so I could play music, control lighting, etc.
I've settled on a computer and hardware (that I will update on the wiki as soon as I get this fixed- don't want my question to get lost)
The touchscreen's calibration only works when I shrink the lcd screen and then re-enlarge it (Fn + F5 and then Fn + F5 again) after the touchscreen's input is recognized (it loads usually as /dev/input/event6).
There are 2 primary reasons I want it to load on startup- 1) the keyboard is mounted behind the screen, and 2) I don't want to have to push those buttons every time it starts up. Yes, I could (and plan) to keep it running at all times, but in the event that it gets rebooted I want the system to automatically restore itself to the previously (calibrated) stated.
So, want I would like to know is from anyone with some experience mapping keys and startup events how to merge the two so that the required signal is sent on startup. I can't seem to attach my xorg.conf file and a picture of my setup...