Todd - I think the test button is a bit dodgy! So don't rely on it.
Have you created a device for your TV? (don't edit the template, actually create a new device from the template in the wizards menu Wizard->Devices->AV Equipment - this can be confusing)
In your devices tree you should see the TV as a child device of your "The core/hybrid" object. I believe this defines the "Controlled by" relationship so is important.
You then need to setup at least one "pipe" that links the output of your core to the input of your TV. Either video or audio pipe, or both ideally. This tell LMCE which devices to route the various commands to.
The other tip I have is, the template is just data for the device, the device itself is the Generic Serial Device (GSD) which is software that will be installed automatically as part of you creating the device in the wizard. However, I noticed that although it said it had installed, the core was not able to find the binary (and thus not start the device) until after I had rebooted, reloading the router was not enough.
So I suggest you create a device from the template using the wizard menu, ensure that it is controlled by the core/hybrid, setup audio and video pipes from the output of your core to the input of your tv (using the connection wizard is pretty easy from the av equipment menu), then reboot and confirm that the device is starting...