I have some problem. I am using 7050 integrated video chipset. I didn't expect this since this symptom caught my attention on it. I knew cpu and memory will get higher after couple days. Currently, I started to pay attention on it since this one is actually effecting the system functionality. If you leave video play/stay there for whole day or couple days(I mean leave the video keep playing there without turning it off), the CPU% usage and memory leak will get higher. And, it did effect the system after CPU usage and memory reach some certain point. Then, you can see the stutter.
In my case, if I force to "kill" Xine_Player under command line. There is a chance that I won't be able to see video again when I click video to play in GUI. The DVD video output won't work. Except that, everything is working, FF, ip camera, routing...etc.
So, for someone who don't have this issue, could you share your hardware list and driver version if you do any driver updates.