I have imported all my 650 albums. Lots of them are Various Artists albums. For some reason does they not show up as one album if i below options select "Album" instead of "Performer".
I assume it happens when the Performer is different as I see this also on one album where one of the songs has a different performer.
Also if one the search in the orbiter for those albums they show up several times.
And one more thing. If I go to Media Files sync and press "edit" the "Album" - on an normal album it shows me on the edit page all titles in that album. On an Various Album it shows me only the current title. I assume that every title is stored as a single album
If I edit all files in the directory and replace the Album - then it looks OK. But next time the album is imported by UpdateMedia the old situation is back. So if I would edit this "on foot" for 180 albums - and some times later do a reinstall - I would have to do it again