I'm taking a slightly different tack developing a rails web application that allows you to select a set of database records by selecting a set of conditions then apply a set of actions to the selected records. The db model work is complete, I did a UI, then ran across hobo and am currently reimplementing the UI in hobo. It's going a little slower than I had hoped but is still progressing.
In the short term, if you are familiar with SQL, you can hack your database. Here's a script that I have used to set the MediaType to LinuxDVD, the MediaSubType to Movie, and the FileFormat to DVD for all files under /home/pluto/data/videos:
$ mysql -u root <fix_dvd_database.sql
# fix_dvd_database.sql:
use pluto_media;
update File set EK_MediaType = '3' where IsDirectory = '0' and Path like '/home/public/data/videos%' and EK_MediaType = '5';
update File set FK_MediaSubType = '2' where IsDirectory = '0' and Path like '/home/public/data/videos%' and FK_MediaSubType is null;
update File set FK_FileFormat = '2' where IsDirectory = '0' and Path like '/home/public/data/videos%' and FK_FileFormat is null;
select Path,Filename,FK_FileFormat,FK_MediaSubType,EK_MediaType from File where IsDirectory = '0' and Path like '/home/public/data/videos%';
Just FYI, here are some useful values (from my 0710 RC1 database):
linuxmce@dcerouter:~$ mysql -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 170164
Server version: 5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu3 Debian etch distribution
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> use pluto_main;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> select PK_MediaType,Description from MediaType;
| PK_MediaType | Description |
| 1 | LinuxMCE LiveTV |
| 2 | LinuxMCE CD |
| 3 | LinuxMCE DVD |
| 4 | LinuxMCE Audio File |
| 5 | LinuxMCE Video File |
| 6 | LinuxMCE Live Radio |
| 7 | LinuxMCE Pictures |
| 11 | LiveTV |
| 12 | DVD |
| 13 | OTARadio |
| 14 | SatelliteRadio |
| 15 | CableRadio |
| 16 | VideoTape |
| 17 | LaserDisc |
| 18 | Game |
| 19 | CD |
| 20 | Burning |
| 21 | Playlist |
| 22 | Edit Playlist |
| 23 | Blank Media |
| 24 | Doc Viewer |
| 25 | Cassette |
| 26 | Picture |
| 27 | LinuxMCE HD-DVD |
| 28 | LinuxMCE Blu-ray Disc |
| 29 | LinuxMCE Game |
26 rows in set (0.02 sec)
mysql> use pluto_media;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> select PK_MediaSubType,Description from MediaSubType;
| PK_MediaSubType | Description |
| 1 | TV Shows |
| 2 | Movies |
| 3 | Home Videos |
| 4 | Sports Events |
| 5 | Music Videos |
| 6 | Alternative |
| 7 | Popular Music |
| 8 | Classical Music |
| 9 | Learning |
| 10 | Audio Books |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select PK_FileFormat,Description from FileFormat;
| PK_FileFormat | Description |
| 1 | Low Res |
| 2 | DVD |
| 3 | Standard Def |
| 4 | HD 720 |
| 5 | HD 1080 |
| 6 | Low Quality |
| 7 | MP3 |
| 8 | CD Quality |
| 9 | High-def audio |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> quit
Have fun,