I like the work so far. You could use Gnash http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/ the FOSS version of Flash. And since most users will be editing on a desktop machine, not repurposing their TV for editing, using flash is less of an issue.
You don't have a delete for a song added that isn't wanted. The reordering didn't seem to work for me. Possibly because I have a bad entry in the list. I'll get some input to you on functionality and graphics in the next few days if you want. . . I think this is a good start on a better content manager than LMCE currently has.
Would it be possible to suppress attributes that may not make sense, like some of the video ones for music content?
And adding a complete album in one pass would be nice.
Thanks for the feed back.
in the next pass i hope to:
-fix the reordering issue
-add in tooltips or a help popup. btw, to remove unwanted files drag them from the list. i will more than likely add a trash can icon or something to make it more obvious.
-arrange the filtering to just show music related attributes such as performers, genres, albums, etc.
-About the albums: add them all at once how exactly? I was thinking:
-select by filter by album and then dragging the album to the play list without having to go to the file panel to select each one.
-Or a small pop up showing the album with check boxes for the track(s) you want?
And another question while we are on media.
Shares. Right now im trying to work out a browse by file system but its kickin mah butt. help?!? Currently the best I have is searching by path, but that isnt quite where I want to be. I've been staring at what they've done in the webadmin currently for a couple months and it still doesn't make sense so any help is appreciated.
For instance. I know how many hd's i have and where they are. But i dont know how other stuff show up under the system, namely windows shares, network storage and raid drives. Any examples of tips on that would be great.
thanks for the feedback again