After a playing with Perl script made a simple changes in the function get_gc100mac() to fix problem with getting MAC address:
sub get_gc100mac {
my($mac, $page, $ret);
`curl -o gc100mac1 --silent`;
`curl -o gc100mac2 --silent`;
open FILE, "gc100mac1";
$ret = read FILE, $page, -s "gc100mac1";
close FILE;
unless($page) {
open FILE, "gc100mac2";
$ret = read FILE, $page, -s "gc100mac2";
close FILE;
($mac) = $page =~ /((?:[\dA-F]{2}-){5}[\dA-F]{2})/i;
if($mac) {
$mac =~ tr/\-/\:/;
loggc("Mac Found $mac\n");
system "rm -f gc100mac1 gc100mac2";
return $mac;
} else { exit 1 }
Added that code snippet to the wiki as well.