I was referring to the file structure on the disk. The displayed organization can be completely driven by database sorts.
What format are you ripping to?
The files are stored in /home/public/data/audio/*artist*/*album*/*track* if you ripped them with LinuxMCE. If you ripped your audio somewhere else and just copy the ripped files to your Core... or point your Core to where they are already stored then they can be in any file structure you choose without restriction (you will need to have a full set of embedded id3 tags inside each ripped file to ID them accurately though).
The LinuxMCE Media Browser allows you to do two things essentially;
- view the actual file structure of your ripped files
- view the ripped files using the data that UpdateMedia has populated the DB with using the filter/search criteria you choose.
It is this last option - the DB view that we are discussing here. This has two aspects to it in my opinion;
- How has UpdateMedia captured the data about each artist/album/track
- How can you sort/view this data using the Media Browser