Have just installed a Vista media centre attached to my 40" LCD and in about the same week inherited a PC capable of running Ubuntu quite happily. I experimented with Linux ~4yrs ago and turned my back on it as it was driving me bonkers. Ubuntu has been genuinely impressive. So in my endeavour to learn Linux in a bit more detail, I've decided to tackle MCE duties as my reason get my hands dirty. It's also a bit of a test because the Vista MC hasn't even been a challenge to get running and the results have impressed me significantly.
Major question;
Is there a key list in existence that details what hardware is recommended for LinuxMCE?
I have TV tuner cards etc and in particular remotes (like 3!) for the job and want to know what challenges await if I try and use them. Since having the Vista rig in place I'm mad keen to get an MCE box operartional in the bedroom as well and figure why not go the Linux route.