Attempted several times to install Kubuntu on a PC with following specs:
MSI Neo Plat mobo (approx 3 years old)
160GB SATA1 Maxtor HD
Gigabyte Nvidia Geforce 6600 AGP8x
Philips 19"LCD (using VGA as DVI used by another system). Will be plugging into 32" TV once set up.
PATA LG DVDRAM drive (primary master)
PATA ASUS CDRW drive (primary slave) - used for install
Partitions set up manually are as follows:
32MB ext3 mounted as /boot
8192MB ext3 mounted as /
512MB used as swap
rest of drive (ext3) mounted as /home
Installation of grub chosen on sda (hard disk is identified as this rather than hd0)
Installation although painfully slow, progresses all the way through to grub installation which fails. Gordon Ramsay he cries, as a subsequent reboot is initiated. Hard disk boot fails as grub is not there.
Tried booting from live CD, selecting 'Boot from first hard disk' only to have 'Boot failure from previous device' error staring nastily into my face.
I've referred to the file system setup on my existing Ubuntu installation (AMD64 running on an Intel C2D w/ 4GB RAM and SATAII hard drive, IDE DVD drive) which is as sweet as a child's favourite desert and replicated it to the P4.
It is Friday night and I was hoping to have got a Media Centre installed on top of this, with beer in hand but now have a PC that I've wasted 4 hours attempting to install.
Any suggestions to get Kubuntu installed successfully (with Grub) would be very much appreciated as I'm really keen to get LMCE up and running.
Many thanks in advance.