I am planing on building a linuxMCE system, the core will be standalone and i will have 5 MD, the issue is that after doing a lot of reading and the formus and wiki y havent got a clue on what equipment to use as Core or MD.
All the MD will be connected to a 1080p Capable TV, The core will be on a room alone with other networking stuff (switches etc..)
So the question is this:
What equipment will be recomended for the core MB, Video, RAM AUDIO PROC.??
What equipment will you recomend for the MD, MB, Video, RAM AUDIO PROC, i want the MD capable of HD.?? is there a all in one solution like M2NPV-VM will that be the correct one?
All the MD will have a small amp with speakers and a sub.
Allready got the fiire chiefs as remotes with some extra dongles, also some usb-uirt some Home Automation Stuff and Aastra IP Phones.
Some of the MD will have either a capture card or a satellite card, will it be good to have a satellite or capture card on the Core??
Thanks for your Help