well first, it's not a video. It's a still picture at the moment the sensor was tripped.
secondly, it's available from the WAP site, assuming your core is internet accessible:
http://your.internetaccessible.core.com/pluto-admin/check.wmlthird, the PlutoMO application merely makes a shortcut to the WML sections of the site while in offline mode...but it won't run on your Blackberry.. A Symbian Series 60 v2 phone is required, or Windows Smartphone.
Assuming you use PlutoMO, you enter in your phone # into the web admin after you've configured and installed your mobile orbiter,
then you make sure in WAP/GPRS settings in the web admin that you have the correct URL to your WML site, i.e.
http://myhouse.homelinux.com/pluto-admin/check.wml (make sure you set something up via DynDNS or another DNS service)
then make sure you have the appropriate phone # to your Asterisk installation in the phone # field. This is used by PlutoMO to determine if the call is from the house (and thus a security breach)