K, I'm frustrated.
Here's my code for 2 simple routines:
def testinit()
#First, lets try to save configuration information to the child.
#from me[127], to General Info Plugin[4], priority 1, type=1, ID = 765
cmd = Command.new(127,4,1,1, 765)
cmd.params_[2] = '40' # the device to set (40 is my office light)
cmd.params_[52] = '56' # the devicedata field [56] is Configuration
cmd.params_[5] = 'Testing' #Value to assign...
def testinit2()
#ok, seems like testinit worked.. lets attempt to read the data back.
teststring = device_.childdevices_[40].devdata_[56]
log('Device 40s config:' + teststring)
I call testinit, all seems fine.
I call testinit2, and I get an error.