Hi Jon,
I can help with that. It's actually very easy because we have a common infrared base class that all IR Devices support. So creating a new device is a matter of running DCEGen, which auto-generates the device and a c++ project, and then adding in the header that it's derived from public IRReceiverBase, public IRBase. I can do it with you--it's a 5 minute job, and I'll give you the class. The base class even handles converting RC5/RC6 to raw pronto, if your device requires it.
Then there will be a function: SendIR(string sCodeInProntoFormat); that you need to implement to send IR, and another function ReceivedCode(string sCode) that you call when you received the code. In the case of Tira, they have a C++ api anyway. So there was only 20 lines or so of new code for Pluto, and it only took an hour or two to finish it. If you also have a C++ library that compiles under Linux it should be just as easy.
Then we'll add the code to our master SVN and it will be automatically built and packaged as part of our normal release, like Tira and IRTrans.
The hard part is we don't have a USB-UIRT, and I'm assuming you don't have a PC with Pluto installed. Assuming you do have a Linux PC, I can try to send you just the Router binary--that's all you really need to test. It requires a database backend, but we can open a port on our firewall to let you connect to ours. Then you can test the device against one of your USB-UIRT's without having to install the full pluto system.
When you want to set something up, then On our website, click 'live chat', and ask to be transferred to me. I'll call you and can send you whatever files you need.