At this time given the problems with the MCE database I agree. The Audio database will corrupt and refuse to resync if invalid charaters are in the filenames of the CD's you rip.
One example is the group 98 degrees. The CD used the degree symbol in the filename and that trashed my database. Now that I know what the problem is I can rip the disk in windows and insure that there are no invalid charaters in the filenames, then copy the files to the audio folder in linux MCE.
I have tried to remove all audio files and even the audio folder from the MCE box and then resync but it appears that a copy of the database is kept and linuxmce tries to use the old database file for the new audio folder and that is corrupted. So I have to reinstall linuxmce to have a fresh uncorrupted database then copy the audio files to the audio folder.
It really bites as the ripping feature in Linuxmce is so easy to use I keep going back to using that and then bam a filename that corrupts the database. I should learn.