Wow ... what a reply ...
Firstly I would like to make clear that I'm not discussing Pluto "philosophy".
I like the "appliance" approach, and I do not want to deviate from this nor I am asking someone to do it for me.
I'm not in any way saying "hey, you told me that this was possible, and now you have to do it". I'm sorry if I gave this impression, and if so please accept my apologies.
When I say I'm a bit disappointed I simply mean that I was hoping to have a clear picture of this situation at an earlier stage in order to make some further considerations.
I totally agree with you when you mention the need of totally controlled environment to get stability.
Infact my idea is NOT to have a totally custom mantained Pluto distro (it would simply be a nightmare), but just to have the standard Pluto distro with just some refinements that make it work better in some circumstances without any impact towards stability.
The main reasons that pushed me to reinstall a fresh stock debian box were:
need to use a different kernel
need to recompile some drivers
need to recompile Xine
need to recompile some additional software
With your actual distro this is impossible, so I had no other choices.
I've posted a couple of time questions like "what if upgrade kernel to 2.6.12 ? Will this break anything with Pluto?" but I didn't get any answer.
I know that you guys are running your business and I cannot expect you to support that much an option that may proof good (but also a total waste of time).
I thought that probably it was a "dumb question" not worth replying, so I decided to go for a fresh install.
Probably this lead me too far from the path ... probably it would have been enough simply to upgrade the kernel ... anyway I'm doing tests to get answers so I definitely need to make some trials .
I know that you said that running Pluto on custom distro isn't "really recommended".
Nevertheless sometime one has to try ... there have been plenty of things "not really recommended", that instead have fortunately been done .... :lol:
Anyway "not really recommended" does not mean "impossible" to me, but it sounds like a warning to normal audience that this is something not easy to do. Unless you say "it is totally impossible" or "don't do it, you would break something", I understand that this may be somehow done.
I'm happy to hear that with .30 release you will be migrating to kernel 2.6.12. If I may give a suggestion, it would be great if you could put kernel sources and headers in your repository. Also it would be great if you can use an epia patched kernel ....
Even if in this scenario a manual install makes no real sense, I think that in the mean time I will give your manual installation procedure a try.
Still I need some info: on my box I've actually installed a stock version of Xine (recompiled from original sources), that is working fine. Unless you made recent changes, if I reinstall your Xine release I will fall back in the same situation where I started from (Xine poorly performing with MPEG4, crashing with mp3).
What do you suggest me to do ? Can I skip pluto-xine packages, or should I install them and afterward replace xine engine with recompiled one?
Thanks for your patience and your suggestions