have a touchscreen via usb (ELO product) and got it working so far. The problem ist that the power-off function seems to be ignored and the screen-saver is shown for days (but I didn't change anything in the configuration of orbiter manually - all is default).
So I start to KDE, open System Settings -> Monitor & Display and activate Power-Off function there. Now the power-off works. BUT after a reboot the screen resolution is screwed totally. The MediaDirectory setting for "Video Setting" says 2048 1536/60 but 800 600/60 would be the one I did chose before. Even KDE desktop isn't shown properly anymore (only part of the screen so that I cannot turn power-off anymore). FullRegen doesn't do a change either. I can set manually the Video Setting to 800 600/60 but after a reboot it's somehow automatically changed to 2048 1536/60 again.
Hope anybody has idea which could help me, thx in advance