I want to use LMCE to link into my Comfort alarm system. To do this, I need to emulate the alarm keypad (same buttons as a telephone), and as soon as you press a button on LMCE (ie 1) all it does it send KD01 down the RS232 port - nothing more.
This is an extremely high end alarm with many features and been around for 10 years or so. Also does Home Automation (which I extensively use)
Can LMCE do this ? You dont press 1234 as a sequence then send that in one go.
So say your signin code is 1234#, the sequence would be :
Press 1 on the LMCE Security Keypad screen
LMCE send KD01 down the RS232 port
Press 2 on the LMCE Security Keypad screen
LMCE send KD02 down the RS232 port
Press 3 on the LMCE Security Keypad screen
LMCE send KD03 down the RS232 port
Press 4 on the LMCE Security Keypad screen
LMCE send KD04 down the RS232 port
Press # on the LMCE Security Keypad screen
LMCE send KD0C down the RS232 port