Dear all,
I would like to know and understand if it's correct this kind of situation.
I've a new fresh installation of LinuxMCE 7.10 via DVD install on a dedicated core/hybrid and two squeezeboxes in two separate rooms. The rooms are different respect to the room of the core/hybrid HW.
If I configure both the squeezeboxes correctly and use one orbiter to start the streaming of the music the correct squeeze start play the music. All the operation will complete correctly.
Then if I install MD in one of the room where is also present one of the squeezebox, when I select music from both the orbiter on the MD or from another orbiter (Nokia 770), the music start listening from the TV directly connected to the MD and not from the squeezebox.
I would like to know if this is correct and if it it's possible to change it, and be able to listen the music selected from the MD from the squeezebox and not from the MD.
The MD is connected to the TV via analog 3,5" cable audio.
If it's necessary to send or check any logs or send other info i'm ready to do it.
Any suggestion are welcome.
Best regards,