Let me add to this...
Not only is a hardware check incredibly useful, but it would also be useful to have a test of the video as part of the install process that allows the user to back out, try a different option, etc. would ease installation. Having this done before the install starts would prevent black screens of death on reboot, etc.
Having the installer separate from the ISO would be very, very useful and would prevent folks (myself included) from using the wrong one.
Having the version numbers of LinuxMCE AND the corresponding installer somehow match, e.g. at least major release version, would avoid confusion.
Provide two install types on the DVD quick install, say a common and custom, where a custom install would allow you to do stuff like configure the network and choose whether to run DHCP...
Provide an easy mechanism to add tuner card firmware to the system so it can recognize cards, like my WinTV PVR 350
Sorry if this feels like a rant, but I've been trying for the past week or so to get this working - it's too cool not to use!
They'll be more probably