No, not yet!
I think I'm missing something...Here's what I've done so far:
After installing LMCE, entered KDE and downloaded and installed the debian packages for the following (since apt-get install doesn't seem to work with LMCE):
Then I fetched lirc from cvs:
cvs login
cvs -z8 co lirc
Then I added the patch (above in this thread) to the lirc folder and applied it successfully:
cd lirc
sudo patch -p1 < lirc-0.8.1-imon.patch
Then configured and installed lirc:
sudo ./
sudo ./ (chose imon pad/vfd in usb devices)
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo modprobe lirc_dev
sudo modprobe lirc_imon
sudo chmod 666 /dev/lircd
then added 'alias char-major-61 lirc_imon'
to /etc/modules
Started lirc, and entered mode2:
sudo /usr/local/sbin/lircd
can see the codes fine and patch seems to have worked as only one code for each of up, down, left and right appears.
exit mode2 and go onto the linuxmce admin site.
went onto advanced, device templates and added:
manufacturer: SoundGraph
Device: LIRC remote control
Template: ('clicked not in list' and added iMON PAD as model name)
The iMON device didn't show up under wizard, interfaces
I could only find it by clicking view installed devices at the bottom of the wizard menu. It shows up under 'core'
I clicked on iMON PAD and then on 'view' next to the device name.
Then in the 'Device Data' box scrolled down to show configuration, added lircd.conf under comments, and pasted my lirc.conf file under 'Default Value'
Then went to 'media directors' under the wizard menu, and clicked add remote -> iMON PAD
A message comes up saying something like 'This is a complex device and will take some time...' but I do not then get a iMON PAD link above 'Add remote' (as seen in the screenshots above, this thread)
I made sure Infrared receivers is set to default, regen the orbiter, but nothing else happens, and my remote doesnt work!!
Sorry all that is quite long winded, but I need to know if i'm missing anything!
Do I need to add a LIRC receiver device?? or point LMCE to /dev/lircd??? or add a lircrc file anywhere??
I appreciate your help this far nite_man!