There are 2 issues you probably encountered: 1) DCERouter loads the device list into a cache for faster performance. It sometimes has to process hundreds of messages a second, so there's no time to do sql queries on the database for each message. So, after adding a hew device, DCERouter won't see it, and won't route messages to it, until you do a quick reload router (takes 15 seconds) which causes DCERouter to reload the cache. Go to wizard/Restart to do it.
2) The images Orbiter displays are pre-rendered. The source graphics are very large so Orbiter can display up to 3000x1600 resolution. Orbiter would run too slowly if it was stretching/scaling/rendering all those graphics. So, the screen you see for the main menu is not built dynamically--it's pre-rendered by OrbiterGen. So, if you add some new lighting scenarios, or change the floorplan, you won't see the buttons or new graphics until OrbiterGen recreates the GUI. Go to Wizard/Devices/Orbiters and click 'quick regen' for the Orbiter you want to regenerate.
When you reboot it regenerates all Orbiters, so that's why on a reboot everything worked. However, it if you do #1 and #2 you won't need to reboot.