Now it's stuck at:
* Reloading /etc/samba/smb.conf [ OK ]
* Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [ OK ]
* Reloading /etc/samba/smb.conf _
This has not reached [ OK ] yet. Could my problem be related to Samba?
Do the following if on a Hybrid Core with a kde desktop;
Type Ctrl + Alt + 1 (ie hold them all down at the same time)
Then login using your username & password
Now navigate to the /etc/init.d directory by typing the following;
cd /etc/init.d/ <type return>
Now rename the file kdm.saved to kdm by typing;
sudo mv kdm.saved kdm <type return>
Enter your password at the prompt <type return>
now you need to reboot
Now when your system comes back up login and then you should either go straight to the KDE desktop or straight into the linux-mce Orbiter
....However is the machine that your experiencing this problem on is a PXE booted MM then this usually indicates that there is a problem with your xorg.conf and your video hardware is not being correctly configured and the xserver can't load. It then comes down to what your video hardware is as what you need to do to fix the problem.
Hopefully the above is helpful