I'm trying to install LinuxMCE 1404 on a VM running under ESXI 6.0. Doing a netinstall. Kubuntu 14.04 installed cleanly, ran the net install, rebooted, now on the "Welcome to AV Wizard" screen.
Step 1 is "Resolution Settings". No matter what I choose, once I hit "OK", the system reboots and comes back to the same screen. I'm accessing the system via the VMWare console, using whatever the default VMWare settings are. I've tried via the VMWare web client or via the vSphere client, results are the same. Can't really use anything else as this seems to occur before I can try to connect an X11 session.
I've tried various resolutions under VGA and VGA2, as well as HDMI, DVI, etc
Sometimes it just reboots, sometimes it give me the "click continue within 15 seconds to verify settings" screen, and then reboots after I click continue on that screen. Regardless, it always reboots and dumps me right back in the same place.