here ya go:
<esperegu> any guru on mapping/configuring remotes? I want to define a specific button on a remote and have the xev output but cannot seem to figure out what to put into the template.
<esperegu> I tried media,85,D in the template but that does not seem to do anything
<TSCHAKMac> after adding this, you need to be sure, to reload the router. Is the scan code indeed 85 ?
<esperegu> TSCHAKMac: part of the output of xev when I press the button is in
<esperegu> TSCHAKMac: it is the middle mouse button (button 2) and key 85
<esperegu> TSCHAKMac: I also tried a mapping like: 4,2=2,176
<esperegu> 5,2=3,176
<TSCHAKMac> uh, no
<TSCHAKMac> you'll need to get more data in this case
<TSCHAKMac> comment out #loglevels in the media director's /etc/pluto.conf
<TSCHAKMac> then killall -9 OrbiterGL
<TSCHAKMac> and grep -rin "GenericHID" /var/log/pluto/XX_name_of_your_launchorbiter.log
<TSCHAKMac> you'll see a scan code when you press the button, hopefully
<TSCHAKMac> use that value.
<esperegu> TSCHAKMac: k. thx. awesome. will do that.
<TSCHAKMac> be sure to uncomment the LogLevels line again, and killall -9 OrbiterGL after all of this, so you don't needlessly log things when you're done.
<esperegu> TSCHAKMac: does not seem to give a code there
<TSCHAKMac> hm ok
<TSCHAKMac> then some code will have to be added to deal with it.
<esperegu> TSCHAKMac: :-(. that easy to do in the template or is that hardcore coding?
<TSCHAKMac> no, it won't be able to be handled in the template
<TSCHAKMac> you'd need to modify Orbiter itself
<esperegu> :-(. outofmyleague ;-)
<esperegu> TSCHAKMac: any chance/way I can supply you with the right info so you could add it one day you are working on the specific part in the code anyway?
<TSCHAKMac> no, it doesn't work that way, unfortunately.
<TSCHAKMac> esperegu: whatdevice is it?
<esperegu> TSCHAKMac: I got an rf03 on ebay:
<esperegu> TSCHAKMac: I also created a template for it but that does not have all the buttons:
<esperegu> TSCHAKMac: is there info somewhere with guidelines on which actions are preferred for buttons on a remote?
<esperegu> TSCHAKMac: (I mean which are the actions best to put behind the buttons in lMCE)
<TSCHAKMac> no, there isn't. The point was to map stuff to what made best sense for the remote at hand on a case by case basis.