Hey guys. Please excuse my ignorance. I am currently trying to find an alternative to my power hungry windows 7 Homeseer server for home automation. Right now I have a handful of x10 light modules, x10 remotes, x10 motion detectors, Zwave Trane Thermostat, and a Weeder I/O board used to monitor home security window/door switches.
Would it be possible to install LinuxMCE on the Raspberry Pi or a Pogoplug pink (Arch linux). I am somewhat familiar with Linux having used Mythtv for a number of years. I also use a Unix workstation for my job but I am not a programmer or a system administrator. I can follow directions and can usually noodle stuff through, but far from a developer. I am just curious to see if this might be a way I can take my HA. Any information is greatly appreciated.