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LMCE right for me?

Started by deepB, November 22, 2012, 09:16:18 PM

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I am at the moment researching LMCE and thinking if this is the right joice for me.
Short info about me: I am quite used to linux and have no problem with playing with it a bit, but in the end I want to have a system that works and that I can forget, and not one that crashes every other day.

As far as I understand even if LMCE supports for instance KNX it does not support all devices, right?

I am looking at a home automation / media system that has the following features:

* suitable for already built homes. So either wireless or over the powerline. (i know LMCE has that)
* lighting (i know LMCE has that)
* sensors (temperature, humidity and others)
* possbility to have remote -controlled (by LMCE) switches. So that I can have an appliance that I wire to a switch and can switch it remote.
* Movie server / client (i know LMCE has that)
* data storage on software raid

nice to have:
* video surveillance
* door lock
* if possible cheap ;) (yes I know, it never is)

I would implement that in about half a year.

Best regards


Everything you described is possible, if you follow the guided path and be patient and do not run away when you hit a wall.


Your requirements are what LMCE exists to serve.

Please give me an idea of what HW you have, what your needs are beyond that.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Thanks for the comments.

Please note that I will install this system in around half a year.

Available hardware: PC with Intel i5 low voltage (don't know which one exactly, as I do not have access to the system in the moment as i am abroad), and 6TB in software raid5 and 4GB ram. This one will be the server.
A few computers for media directors (i5, i7). Does the MD have to run on Kubuntu too? At this time they are running Ubuntu and Arch Linux. Also can the Media directors use multi-monitor layouts (4 monitors) with amd cards in (software) crossfire?

For the automation part:
Since everything is already existing i guess I'll have to use a wireless protocol. EnOcean looks really neat, do you have any sources for europe?

Best regards


What do you mean with data storage?

ago control ( might also fit your needs.
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


If you are looking for i5/i7 (sandy/ivy bridge) graphics... you have a 75/25 shot on Sandy, 0 on Ivy.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Make sure you understand that MD's boot via Ethernet from the core/server, therefore they need to be wired and capable of network booting (PXE).

With regard to wireless home automation Zwave is well supported in mainland Europe. I use X10 which is old and has its issues but mine has been rock solid
Techstyle UK Ltd

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All things are possible. I'm using them in a reallife situation (home automation, IP-phones, IP-camera's, data...)

The only thing i really miss in the whole LinuxMCE story is a nice backup system for you data.
But this can be solved with some tricks. I use fe a NAS with rdiff to backup all my data/config nightly.

Version: linuxMCE 1404, running virtual on ESXi

Orbiters: ASUS eeePAD, Nexus 5, Huwai, web
Automation: EIB technology, KNX IP ROUTER 750
Phones: Cisco 7912-7940-7960
Camera's: Foscam POE