Author Topic: Considering minor readability edits to LinuxMCE User Manual page...  (Read 8394 times)


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I am considering making minor readability edits to the first page of LinuxMCE User Manual page...

Things like sentence flow, minor terminology (e.g.: over-use of the term "wireless"), maybe organizing a thing or two into bullet points,... Maybe an intro paragraph explaining what LinuxMCE is, for concept...

I do not intend to alter, delete or add any substantive content or make changes to fundamental structure, at least at this time...
Making it read like a typical product user manual could be a future goal.

If anyone has suggestions/concerns,... please post them here,... Posde has commented to the effect that we should use the forums to discuss, wiki for edits... And that makes perfect sense.

I have started a Talk page for specific edits (for instance; if you have a suggestion and wish to show it against the current or revised, for comparison)...

Since Wikis are "living" documents, edits should all be reversible, so there shouldn't be a great harm in minor making changes,... But my intent is to make slow incremental changes and encourage others to do the same. With the Talk (or Talk pages, plural) page we can compare proposed edits that may cause controversy or that may upset/irritate someone who worked hard on a particular section, and would prefer it a certain way.

Above all I would like to keep things democratic (in the apolitical sense) and civil. If anyone feels strongly about a partucular issue or topic, please let your opinion be known. We can discuss it here, observe comparison edits in the Talk page,... and decide together how to address them.

For now, I will be going paragraph to paragraph on the first page of the User manual, and make minor changes I think will improve readability... Let me know how you like (or do not like) them...

Thanks, all...
See my User page on the LinuxMCE Wiki for a description of my system configuration (click the little globe under my profile pic).


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Re: Considering minor readability edits to LinuxMCE User Manual page...
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2012, 07:14:42 pm »
Go for it.



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Re: Considering minor readability edits to LinuxMCE User Manual page...
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2012, 07:59:02 pm »
I've made some (in my opinion) minor edits to the first page of the Users Manual in the wiki, now... Please check them out...

For the most part, I have just edited things for readability, updating terminology (e.g.: fewer references to PDAs as Orbiters) and references, added maybe 2 internal links, and clarified some paragraphs that I thought might be confusing to someone without a technical background. In some places I got more wordy, in others trimmed some language...

Feedback would be appreciated.

See my User page on the LinuxMCE Wiki for a description of my system configuration (click the little globe under my profile pic).