I'm trying to install some phones in 10.04. I've got a bunch of cisco 7940 & 7960 phones that have SIP installed on.
In LMCE, i go to 'Wizard' > 'devices' > 'phones'.
I add following information for the first phone
- Phonename: office
- Location: office
- sip password: sip
- IP adress:
- MAC: 11:22:33:44:55:66
The phone is properly configured.
A SIP112233445566.cnf is created.
Now i'm adding a second phone:
- Phonename: bedroom
- Location: bedroom
- sip password: sip
- IP adress:
- MAC: 11:22:33:44:55:77
When i now check the tftpboot folder, a SIP112233445577 is created.
But the webpage seems to keep refreshing?
Next i'm checking with the command top in a console. And i see that some scripts keep returning. They disapperar, coming back...
- db_phone_config
- configure_cisco
And the files in the folder tftpboot are recreating the whole time?
Any idea what's going on?
Not sure what to do (beside rebooting the server)...