Wow uplink! Yours is distinctly faster than mine, even my improved version. However, it had two problems in that it bailed out at the first Mac MAC and was comparing full MACs not the range. I fixed it and here it is in wonderful efficiency! I have a couple of Macs here and my wife just turned one on without me knowing and it showed up in the list while I was testing it. That was a fun little break!
# This script looks for Apple devices on the network and does something
# for every device that it finds.
if [[ $1 != "background" ]] ;then
echo "Backgrounding ..."
screen -d -m -S "AppleRadar" "$0" "background"
exit 0
## Loging function
function Log() {
#echo "$(date) $*" >> /var/log/pluto/AppleScanner.log
echo "$(date) $*"
apple_macs=( 00:03:93 00:0a:27 00:0a:95 00:0d:93 00:11:24 00:14:51 00:16:cb 00:17:f2 00:19:e3 00:1b:63 00:1d:4f 00:1e:52 00:10:fa 00:1e:c2 00:1f:5b 00:1f:f3 00:21:e9 00:22:41 00:23:12 00:23:32 00:23:6c 00:23:df 00:24:36 00:25:00 00:25:4b 00:25:bc 00:26:08 00:26:4a 00:26:b0 00:26:bb 00:3e:e1 00:c6:10 00:f4:b9 04:0c:ce 04:1e:64 04:54:53 0c:74:c2 0c:77:1a 10:40:f3 10:93:e9 10:9a:dd 14:5a:05 14:8f:c6 18:20:32 18:34:51 18:e7:f4 1c:ab:a7 24:ab:81 28:37:37 28:6a:b8 28:6a:ba 28:cf:da 28:e0:2c 28:e7:cf 34:15:9e 34:51:c9 3c:07:54 3c:d0:f8 40:30:04 40:3c:fc 40:6c:8f 40:a6:d9 40:d3:2d 44:2a:60 44:d8:84 48:60:bc 4c:b1:99 50:ea:d6 58:1f:aa 58:55:ca 58:b0:35 5c:59:48 60:33:4b 60:c5:47 60:fa:cd 60:fb:42 64:20:0c 64:b9:e8 64:e6:82 68:09:27 68:a8:6d 6c:c2:6b 70:73:cb 70:cd:60 70:de:e2 74:e1:b6 78:a3:e4 78:ca:39 7c:11:be 7c:6d:62 7c:c3:a1 7c:c5:37 7c:f0:5f 88:c6:63 8c:58:77 8c:7b:9d 90:27:e4 90:84:0d 98:03:d8 98:d6:bb a4:67:06 a4:b1:97 a4:d1:d2 b8:17:c2 b8:8d:12 b8:c7:5d b8:f6:b1 b8:ff:61 c0:84:7a c4:2c:03 c8:2a:14 c8:33:4b c8:bc:c8 cc:08:e0 d0:23:db d4:9a:20 d8:30:62 d8:9e:3f d8:a2:5e dc:2b:61 e0:b9:ba e0:f8:47 e4:ce:8f e8:04:0b e8:06:88 ec:85:2f f0:b4:79 f0:cb:a1 f8:1e:df fc:25:3f 00:88:65 04:15:52 04:26:65 04:f7:e4 10:1c:0c 10:dd:b1 1c:e6:2b 20:7d:74 28:cf:e9 2c:b4:3a 30:90:ab 30:f7:c5 34:c0:59 38:0f:4a 38:48:4c 3c:e0:72 40:b3:95 44:fb:42 4c:8d:79 54:26:96 5c:96:9d 60:fe:c5 64:a3:cb 68:9c:70 70:11:24 78:6c:1c 7c:fa:df 80:92:9f 84:fc:fe 88:1f:a1 88:53:95 88:cb:87 94:94:26 98:b8:e3 9c:04:eb a0:ed:cd a8:96:8a a8:fa:d8 ac:3c:0b b4:f0:ab b8:78:2e bc:3b:af bc:92:6b c8:6f:1d cc:78:5f d8:00:4d d8:d1:cb e4:25:e7 e4:8b:7f e8:8d:28 f0:d1:a9 f4:1b:a1 f4:f1:5a )
declare -A apple_macs_assoc
for mac in "${apple_macs[@]}"; do
while : ;do
while read serverIP skip serverMAC skip; do
#sleep 10
## Get the important info
Log "Processing $serverIP (mac: $serverMAC )"
if [[ -n "${apple_macs_assoc["$serverMAC_sub"]}" ]]; then
Log Found an apple product here: $serverIP
done < <(arp -n |fgrep -v incomplete |fgrep ether)
## Wait 60 seconds before doing another scan
sleep 60