Update: They haven't replied to my inquiries,... but given their momentum, at the moment, I'm not surprised.
The XBMC folks have jumped on board, and while I understand it is
possible to build a DCE wrapper for the network control capabilities associated with XBMC, it would be nicer to have the device controllable directly with LinuxMCE. XBMC is lipstick on a pig, as media centers go (in my opinion), like a (stereotypical) blonde,... pretty, but few brains compared to LinuxMCE. I'm not thinking full MD, here, by the way,... just the ability to control the thing, initiate media playback, etc. from LinuxMCE, and maybe a simple Orbiter, like a qOrbiter build for it (not to say someone else might have more optimistic dreams in mind).
Unfortunately, building any kind of DCE router driver or even a DCE wrapper is beyond my (present and foreseeable short-term) capabilities, but ... There's probably a coder out their with an interest in integrating Android devices with LinuxMCE. Plus, the Ouya folks are offering to make prototype boards available for developers ... And as I've said before, these things are dead simple/standard higher end Android fare, rootable and prime for hacking. Imagine it as a suped-up Raspberry PI with a pretty case and a game pad controller.
So, anyone with an interest in this sort of thing,... please find the announcement page on the Kickstarter here:
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ouya/ouya-a-new-kind-of-video-game-console/posts/283782?ref=activityPS: Looks like they sold out the developer's special. But with $7.7M in the bank tomorrow, this is not likely to end up vapor-ware. And an SDK should become available closer to release. I would need to check the license terms for their market against the licenses associated with LinuxMCE/DCE Router for compatibility, but can't imagine they'd be incompatible, given the philosophy of this thing.