I use a wired camera solution that I have about $149 US in. It includes 4 cameras, the necessary wiring. They do quite well in darkness or light.
The card I used to hook them up was a Hauppauge ImpactVCB. This card was $50 US.
a link:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815116068The device is not plug-n-play yet, I have been spending far too much time with Android, and neglecting my LMCE duties.
However is is set up automatically by my LMCE 10.04 system as to drivers and such. When the core boots up, you can see through DMESG that it has set it up a /dev/videoX entry.
Configuring it was simply a matter of running the included BNC cables, this particular variant of the card has BNC connectors, to the four (4) ports and then defining them as motion generic analog cameras. The trick is setting up ports, as well as device.
For example my card came in as /dev/video0, bumping my PVR500 card up to /dev/video1, and /dev/video2.
So for the motion camera setup, I chose:
The camera's I bought cost $100 US for four (4) of them. they were on sale at the time.
Linke here:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16881339013they work great and are configured:
device 0 - backyard including the back door
port 0 (first port on left if you are looking at the back of a standard tower case)
device 0 - side yard
port 1 (second port from left )
device 0 - front yard including the front door
port 2 (third port from left)
device 0 - driveway including the garage and garage entrance
port 3 (fourth from the left)
So if is a card you are looking for, the Hauppauge Impact cards are configured by the system (not plug-n-play yet, will see getting it so with a template and all)
and the cost is less than $55 US. It comes in 3 port, 4 port, BNC, and Composite (rca plugs).
The cameras are very inexpensive Night Owl's - 4 for less than $200 US.
The want to be configured at 320x240 resolution, but LinuxMCE uses them as 640x480
Any tweaks can be made in the /etc/motion directory files.
Best regards,