My GC-100 spontaneously and sporadically drops communication. I don't know if this is a problem with my specific unit, GC-100s in general, or LinuxMCE. Sometimes the unit regains its connection and resumes normal operation on its own. Other times I need to reset the device (via webadmin, or reload router).
Here are some log samples from me switching a relay back and forth:
Normal Operation:
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.477 Receive string: MESSAGE 77 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.477 Received MESSAGE 77 0x9f1b040 device: 163 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.477 Received Message type 1 ID 192 from 0 to 207 (device: 163) resp 0 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.477 Message for Siren passed to Relay <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.477 Relay Pwr.: target device is 207 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.477 gc100::GetPinDeviceID got pin 3:2 device 209 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.477 Relay Pwr.: This device is 209 <0xb6cffb70>
21 03/15/12 15:20:02.477 lock(0x9f1b3f0) (>1069) gc100: gc100.cpp:1198 <0xb6cffb70>
21 03/15/12 15:20:02.477 acquired(0x9f1b3f0) #0 (>1069) gc100 gc100.cpp:1198 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.477 Relay Pwr.: Found 3:2 in module map <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.477 Relay Pwr.: Regardless, module ID is 3:2 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.477 Sending command setstate,3:2,1
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.486 Reply received from GC100: state,3:2,1 <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.486 statechange Reply interpreted as module: 3:2 change to 1 <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.486 statechange Reply: found module of type RELAY, 2 <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.486 statechange Reply: testing Command_Impl2 Dev #, 4:1 (state 1) default state: 1 <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.486 statechange Reply: testing Command_Impl2 Dev #, 4:2 (state 1) default state: <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.486 statechange Reply: testing Command_Impl2 Dev #, 4:3 (state 1) default state: <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.486 statechange Reply: testing Command_Impl2 Dev #, 5:1 (state 1) default state: <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.486 statechange Reply: testing Command_Impl2 Dev #, 5:2 (state 1) default state: <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.486 statechange Reply: testing Command_Impl2 Dev #, 5:3 (state 1) default state: <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.486 statechange Reply: no exact match in m:s format, trying global pin number <0xb58fdb70>
05 03/15/12 15:20:02.486 statechange Reply: Sorry, after all that searching, I can't determine which child device should be sent the pin_changed <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.536 EventThread <0xb58fdb70>
21 03/15/12 15:20:02.578 unlock(0x9f1b3f0) #0 (>1069) gc100: gc100.cpp:1198 <0xb6cffb70>
21 03/15/12 15:20:02.578 removed from map (0x9f1b3f0) #0 (>1069) gc100: gc100.cpp:1198 was: 2 size, now 1 Rel: Y Got: Y <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.593 Receive string: MESSAGE 72 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.593 Received MESSAGE 72 0x9f1b040 device: 163 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.593 Received Message type 1 ID 193 from 0 to 207 (device: 163) resp 0 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.593 Message for Siren passed to Relay <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.593 Relay Pwr.: target device is 207 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.593 gc100::GetPinDeviceID got pin 3:2 device 209 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.593 Relay Pwr.: This device is 209 <0xb6cffb70>
21 03/15/12 15:20:02.593 lock(0x9f1b3f0) (>1094) gc100: gc100.cpp:1198 <0xb6cffb70>
21 03/15/12 15:20:02.593 acquired(0x9f1b3f0) #0 (>1094) gc100 gc100.cpp:1198 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.593 Relay Pwr.: Found 3:2 in module map <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.593 Relay Pwr.: Regardless, module ID is 3:2 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.593 Sending command setstate,3:2,0
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.602 Reply received from GC100: state,3:2,0 <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.602 statechange Reply interpreted as module: 3:2 change to 0 <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.602 statechange Reply: found module of type RELAY, 2 <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.602 statechange Reply: testing Command_Impl2 Dev #, 4:1 (state 0) default state: 1 <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.602 statechange Reply: testing Command_Impl2 Dev #, 4:2 (state 0) default state: <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.602 statechange Reply: testing Command_Impl2 Dev #, 4:3 (state 0) default state: <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.602 statechange Reply: testing Command_Impl2 Dev #, 5:1 (state 0) default state: <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.602 statechange Reply: testing Command_Impl2 Dev #, 5:2 (state 0) default state: <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.602 statechange Reply: testing Command_Impl2 Dev #, 5:3 (state 0) default state: <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.602 statechange Reply: no exact match in m:s format, trying global pin number <0xb58fdb70>
05 03/15/12 15:20:02.602 statechange Reply: Sorry, after all that searching, I can't determine which child device should be sent the pin_changed <0xb58fdb70>
10 03/15/12 15:20:02.652 EventThread <0xb58fdb70>
21 03/15/12 15:20:02.693 unlock(0x9f1b3f0) #0 (>1094) gc100: gc100.cpp:1198 <0xb6cffb70>
21 03/15/12 15:20:02.693 removed from map (0x9f1b3f0) #0 (>1094) gc100: gc100.cpp:1198 was: 2 size, now 1 Rel: Y Got: Y <0xb6cffb70>
When it messes up:
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.289 Receive string: MESSAGE 77 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.289 Received MESSAGE 77 0x9f1b040 device: 163 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.289 Received Message type 1 ID 192 from 0 to 207 (device: 163) resp 0 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.290 Message for Siren passed to Relay <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.290 Relay Pwr.: target device is 207 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.290 gc100::GetPinDeviceID got pin 3:2 device 209 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.290 Relay Pwr.: This device is 209 <0xb6cffb70>
21 03/15/12 15:26:22.290 lock(0x9f1b3f0) (>5415) gc100: gc100.cpp:1198 <0xb6cffb70>
21 03/15/12 15:26:22.290 acquired(0x9f1b3f0) #0 (>5415) gc100 gc100.cpp:1198 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.290 Relay Pwr.: Found 3:2 in module map <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.290 Relay Pwr.: Regardless, module ID is 3:2 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.290 Sending command setstate,3:2,1
21 03/15/12 15:26:22.390 unlock(0x9f1b3f0) #0 (>5415) gc100: gc100.cpp:1198 <0xb6cffb70>
21 03/15/12 15:26:22.390 removed from map (0x9f1b3f0) #0 (>5415) gc100: gc100.cpp:1198 was: 2 size, now 1 Rel: Y Got: Y <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.404 Receive string: MESSAGE 72 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.404 Received MESSAGE 72 0x9f1b040 device: 163 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.404 Received Message type 1 ID 193 from 0 to 207 (device: 163) resp 0 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.404 Message for Siren passed to Relay <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.404 Relay Pwr.: target device is 207 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.404 gc100::GetPinDeviceID got pin 3:2 device 209 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.404 Relay Pwr.: This device is 209 <0xb6cffb70>
21 03/15/12 15:26:22.404 lock(0x9f1b3f0) (>5440) gc100: gc100.cpp:1198 <0xb6cffb70>
21 03/15/12 15:26:22.404 acquired(0x9f1b3f0) #0 (>5440) gc100 gc100.cpp:1198 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.404 Relay Pwr.: Found 3:2 in module map <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.404 Relay Pwr.: Regardless, module ID is 3:2 <0xb6cffb70>
10 03/15/12 15:26:22.404 Sending command setstate,3:2,0
21 03/15/12 15:26:22.505 unlock(0x9f1b3f0) #0 (>5440) gc100: gc100.cpp:1198 <0xb6cffb70>
21 03/15/12 15:26:22.505 removed from map (0x9f1b3f0) #0 (>5440) gc100: gc100.cpp:1198 was: 2 size, now 1 Rel: Y Got: Y <0xb6cffb70>
Note that linuxmce does not seem to retry its communications when no response is received, or to reset the device.
Has anyone experienced something similar?
Does anyone know (in the meantime until I can get this sorted out) how I can manually force reset the device from the command-line (without reloading router)?