Hi Everyone
I've been hacking around with this for a while. I would like to purchase a USBUIRT or similar but we've been foolishly squandering our funds on food and shelter so when I found this very cheap RS232 IR receiver/transmitter I thought it was worth a shot, esp as it was purported to work with LIRC and mythTV.
Incidentally, it's quite a neat little device- it's a serial port transmitter receiver that gets extra power by having a USB plug as well.
http://bsinnovations.co.za/NewZen/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=4Anyway, my first attempt went along the lines of the
LIRC wiki page but of course I needed to setup my own remote with irrecord, which was not interested in responding to any remote - so I tried running mode2 which also didn't respond so clearly something wrong.
Take 2 (after breaking the media director and rebuilding the image). This time I thought I'd follow the instructions for setting up a homebrew receiver in ubuntu
That went rather better... at least to the point where I was able to run irrecord and generate a bunch of (raw) config files for my various remotes.
I then tried to continue with the LIRC wiki above by creating a new template for my remote, pasting in the config codes I'd generated, adding the template as a remote to my media director, and setting the media director receiver to "default" as described in the wiki.
After the requisite dcerouter quick reloads etc the MD started up fine and there seemed to be a device starting up to receive commands but it doesn't respond to my remote. In fact, even the little homebrew receiver isn't flashing it's LED when I point the remote at it and hit buttons.
I've done this on two different MDs. The first, I followed the instructions above which involve basically rebuilding the modules for the kernel and modprobing them in. Once I'd done that I was able to use irrecord to generate my remote configs so I then used that on the 2nd MD (which hadn't had any of the module rebuilds done) to follow the LIRC wiki directly. So it's really the 2nd MD that I'm trying to get right- the first I may have compromised with my module rebuilds etc.
I get the impression on the 2nd MD that it hasn't actually installed any LIRC packages at all- I never saw anything happening. Is there any way I can check this? Problem is, there are so many places it could be going wrong- lirc might not be installed, I may have messed up the template config, etc etc. Where do I start?
Are there any logs associated with this that I can check? Should I do some kind of aptitude check on the media director to confirm lirc is installed? Typically when my MD starts up it says some devices didn't start correctly. I've never had a problem with it so I've always ignored it but that could now be including my IR receiver device. How can I look and see what devices didn't start and why?
Any suggestions welcome. Sorry I haven't given more useful information but I'll keep tinkering and post what I find.
(PS - next step, and actually the *main* reason I wanted the receiver/transmitter was to control my settop box and TV source switching... but I thought I'd start with the receiver part, thinking that would be easier!)