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lmce-autotagger ?

Started by jeangot, August 17, 2011, 05:19:52 AM

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Sorry bout the delay (have been away). Will try tonight and confirm.  :)


Hey golgoj4,

Left it running last night and it worked  ;D Thanks!

I am a bit confused as to what changed though as the update/upgrade didn't actually change anything (0 installed, 0 upgraded, 0 removed)...

I must have updated it a few days before and forgot about it?

Anyway - thanks again. Let me know if you need more info.



Quote from: wombiroller on October 04, 2011, 12:05:37 AM
Hey golgoj4,

Left it running last night and it worked  ;D Thanks!

I am a bit confused as to what changed though as the update/upgrade didn't actually change anything (0 installed, 0 upgraded, 0 removed)...

I must have updated it a few days before and forgot about it?

Anyway - thanks again. Let me know if you need more info.


We added new db tables for some attributes. I dont know what was going on, but it was supposed to skip them if they were not there but it appears that something caused it to hang. Anyways, is the button in the webadmin still broken?

Also keep in mind, there is the tvdb scraper that allows you to do single file or entire directory tagging. Kind of long but hits the main points!

Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


Thx golgoj4.

Sorry - forgot to try that.

The autotag button brings a pop-up now (didn't before), but it is just a blank page. I get waiting for but no response/data. Is there somewhere I can check logs to provide more info?

EDIT: Also, I noticed in your video the new feature "program filter". I have this in my orbiter (after regen) but after tagging a few folders (breaking bad) - it doesn't show up when using that filter. Only Futurama and Entourage do (must have been from using TVDB many moons ago). The TV Program ID shows on all files I have tagged (352534), as does the TV Series ID (8118). Am I missing something?



Quote from: wombiroller on October 04, 2011, 10:37:01 AM
Thx golgoj4.

Sorry - forgot to try that.

The autotag button brings a pop-up now (didn't before), but it is just a blank page. I get waiting for but no response/data. Is there somewhere I can check logs to provide more info?

EDIT: Also, I noticed in your video the new feature "program filter". I have this in my orbiter (after regen) but after tagging a few folders (breaking bad) - it doesn't show up when using that filter. Only Futurama and Entourage do (must have been from using TVDB many moons ago). The TV Program ID shows on all files I have tagged (352534), as does the TV Series ID (8118). Am I missing something?


The Program filter keys off of the 'Program' attribute. The tagger should be adding the program title to your media files as well, allowing them to show up. I will look into why the button isnt working as you shouldn't have to do this from the command line.

Thanks for taking the time to look at this.
Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


No worries - least I can do ;)

Doesn't seem to be adding the Program attribute via the TVDB when tagging a directory. It works when you select a single file though...


Hi Golgoj4,

I just used the Autotag feature in 1004. I had about a 100 movies that didnt have any clipart or any attributes.
AT first the popup window came up with "/var/log/pluto/linuxmcetag.log Permission denied."
I created the file and set permissions on it. After that the Autotag function worked Perfectly!!!!

Now I dont have to go and add the attributes and clipart for each movie, one at a time!!! Just One button to click for all.
Superb work!!!!



@ Donpaul3

Hi Donpaul, any chance of a write-up, steps etc to get auto-tagger on a Dianemo system? Whilst I love the new movie tagger, i have no option for all my tv shows and other clips. A simple apt-get install doesn't seem to work. I am assuming it is because of Dianemo use separate repositories? Sorry, still learning the Linux ropes. In fact any guidance generally for adding lmce packages to Dianemo would be really helpful as i would love to get Tschak's game player onto my system also?

Thanks All
