A bit of background first
I've had a recurring problem with a stray "eth0" appearing in some system files and screwing up my installation.
I can hand edit it out and restart the various services affected and get going again. I could never track down what was causing it.
I've just been able to get it to happen, and see why - When I'd hit update on the Network Settings in the Webadmin it would break.
When the script behind the update button populates its needed variables it gets the info from the dB running the following query
SELECT IK_DeviceData FROM Device_DeviceData WHERE FK_DeviceData=32
trouble is this gets two records, which causes the parsing of fields to fail, with two different FK_installation IDs, 1 and 1000490. Further checking in the pluto_main db reveals a few records with an FK_Installation of 1.
Now my queries:
Where did this set of records for an Installation of 1 come from?
Can I safely remove them from the db? or at least the offending FK_DeviceData=32?