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ZWave device not turning on/off reliably

Started by nosebreaker, July 20, 2010, 12:21:54 AM

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I added some in-wall dimmers, and they aren't turning on/off reliably when I start a show.  I tried manually editing the lighting scenario, but it didn't matter.  If I press 1 or 2 on the remote they do turn on/off eventually, but it takes 30sec or more when I do it this way.

Has anyone else had this problem?  I bought these dimmers:

Oh I'm running 710 or maybe its 704, its not 810


I did, but only when one of the devices on the list to be dimmed was unplugged.  I removed device from the room and it worked...  I think the self healing network part of things was trying and trying to send a command to a device that was physically not plugged in...

Probably completely unrelated to your situation.  I am/was running 810.


Holy crap, this was the issue I had as well!  I hadn't used my LMCE system in about a month due to home renovations, and I hadn't plugged everything back in yet.  I plugged everything in (even though I wasn't using it all yet) and then it started working properly! Thanks!  I'll add this to my profile on the wiki for the next person.


people should start to read z-wave documentation..
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


I've had a problem where at least one of my Z-wave devices fails to turn on. Which device that fails seems to change whenever I reload the devices. I have nine z-wave devices (switches, outlets, lamp modules and an outdoor module). They are mainly controlled by LMCE using a Aeon USB stick but I also have an external remote to override thins.

I verified that everything on my network is plugged in. There aren't any large distances between the devices that work or don't work. The instructions that came with my Intermatic devices wasn't the best so I could easily be doing something wrong. Are there any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue? I have another ten modules that I will be installing but I just have not gotten around to.


start troubleshooting by checking/providing the logfiles for the Z-Wave device. You might want to enable log levels 36, 40 and 41 in /etc/pluto.conf first..

br Hari
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation