Hi guys, is was thinking about version number, and although 0710 and 0810 show what base LinuxMCE but wouldn't it better if you used LinuxMCE 1.0 for 0710 and LinuxMCE 2.0 for 0810? Ubuntu is base you start from but I know of no other project that copies their code numbers.
LinuxMCE is like a puzzle or lego, lots of parts that fit together but also work as individual parts:
* multimedia
* home automation
* telephony
* security
Some users have all features, some only some, because of that I would suggest openning new forum boards that reflect this:
* general user board
* multimedia user board
* automation user board
Also maybe a board for LinuxMCE project related questions, just like this one I'm writing right now.
That way it would be easier to find answers to specific questions.
Are these good/bad ideas? Have a better one? Who maintains and decides about forum boards?