Hi, I've installed Kubuntu 8.10 and updated the packages before my LinuxMCE install but some packages are missing. Furthermore, when i installed LinuxMCE using the desktop icon, serveral packages were skipped again. Then, when I restarted to open the AV Wizard, i got an error about a resume file not being found. The AV Wizard did start, but in the corner of the screen. Once I'd finished it, I was left on the original resume file screen. I can use Alt+F2 to start the X Server and load the desktop but not much is working in terms of MCE.
P.S. Every time I load the desktop I have to open the terminal and type:
sudo -s (then type in my password)
ifup eth0
so that I can get the network connection working. I had to remove NetworkManager from the startup to get the connection working in the first place.