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Messages - Roman

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Installation issues / Re: Help needed on reliable sources.list on LMCE 8.10
« on: November 23, 2011, 09:58:15 pm »
Ok, finaly I made it to copy my sources.list here from LMCE 8.10

deb file:/usr/pluto/deb-cache/ ./
deb stable  main
deb intrepid  beta2
deb intrepid  main restricted universe multiverse
deb intrepid-security  main restricted multiverse universe
deb intrepid-updates  main restricted multiverse universe
deb intrepid  free non-free
deb-src intrepid  main restricted multiverse universe
deb-src intrepid-security  main restricted multiverse universe
deb-src intrepid-updates  main restricted multiverse universe
deb intrepid  main universe multiverse
deb replacements_debian  main
deb main  main non-free contrib
deb 20dev_ubuntu  main

Is this the correct and reliable one?

Thank you and best regards

Here is my feedback.
Unfortunately it did not work.
- I changed the code in the core file
- Then I deleted the specific MD on the Dell Latitude D600 via Web Admin of LMCE
- I rebooted the core (just to be sure)
- Then I started the Dell D600 to boot from network
- Dell subscribed successful to the core
- Installation files were created on the core
- As soon as the Dell D600 wanted to reboot I stoped that (turned off)
- I copied the file from the core to the moonXX directory
- I booted up the MD
- MD comes up with the Kubuntu splash screen
- AVWizard --> Failed to setup X

Any Ideas? Any log files useful? Any... whatever ? ;-)

thank you and best regards

Thank you for the hint!
I will try this in the next days and will provide feedback.

One detail question is left on my side due to the fact that all MDs are Diskless and boot over the network from the core.

Should I replace the "" in the MD directory of the specific MoonXX on the core or should I replace the file on the MD when he booted from the core?
I do not know if there is a difference and if changes made on any file on the booted MD is then written back into the files on the core.

Thank you and best regards

Users / Re: apt-get update fails on radvd.conf line 2
« on: November 23, 2011, 08:37:17 am »
I did also just delete the radvd.conf file ....
I guess it is all the same everywhere

Users / Re: Network Configuration
« on: November 23, 2011, 08:35:39 am »
I would start attaching a laptop to the Modem without any WRT LMCE --> this is for test if you get to the internet.

-) So does the Modem give you an DHCP Adress on the LAN side (on the Laptop) ? If Yes Then DHCP on Modem is active
-) Does you Modem show a trained DSL line and did you configure pppoA correctly (VPI, VCI and user credentials) ? If yes then you should get into the WWW with you laptop

Then Attach the router on the modem
I guess the Router does have a WAN port and 4 LAN ports.
Connect the WAN port of the router to the modem
The WAN port should now be set to DHCP Client, NAT is set to NO (the modem already is doing NAT - or even PAT) - The router should route - thats what he is done for.
On the linksys Router you can enable DHCP Server on the LAN side (and automatically on WiFi)
Now attach you laptop on one of the LAN interfaces of the routfr and check if you get an IP Adress of the router and if you can connect to the WWW.
If yes, then attach the LinuxMCE Server and everything should be fine.

Except - All attached devices to WLAN will still be on the EXTERNAL side of LinuxMCE!!
You can purchase another WiFi AP, with a different SSID and attach this ne on the GE Switch.


Hi Community!

Perhaps this information is worth for somebody out there.

The Lenovo R61 with an Intel Graphics Media Accelerator for Mobile x3100 AND the HP 8510p with an Graphic ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 2600 work with UI1 settings in the AV Wizard! I had heavy flicker and this disappeared.

Unfortunately the Dell Latitude D600 with an Graphic ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9000 still does not work.

Does anyone have an Idea how to get the Radeon 9000 to work with LinuxMCE 8.10 ?

Thank you and best regards

Hi Tim!
The Lenovo R61 with Intel Graphic Card and the HP 8510p with ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 2600 do indeed work with UI1 without any flicker!!!
Great hint!

Unfortunately the DELL D600 with ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9000 always comes up with an X Error - means it does not even start the AV Wizard.

Thank you so far for your help!!!

very best regards

Does no one has the experience in upgrading the kernel?
It would be very helpful to have some guideline or experience shared.
Thank you very much!

Installation issues / Help needed on reliable sources.list on LMCE 8.10
« on: November 18, 2011, 11:24:49 am »
Hi Community!

I would be very thankful if you can post a reliable and workable sources.list for LMCE 8.10 for me.

Doing a "apt-get update" on my core/hybrid results in doing an update but always brings messages of having double repositories and errors getting content from the repositories.
I will post later this day my sources.list.
In the meantime I would be very thankful to get some hints and helping hands on this topic from you.

thank you and very best regards

Hi LMCE community!

I setup a LMCE 8.10 Core/hybrid which works great!
Now I want to attach 3 diskless Media Directors (Laptops) were I have some graphic driver (ATI and Intel) problems - also as a seperate topic here in the forum.

My Core is running the default kernel which is I guess 2.6.27.

Challenge what I have:
I would like to add a DVB-T USB Stick (Afatech AF9015 DVB-T USB2.0 stick) as a DVB-T source - which works in Ubuntu 11.04 or 11.10 plug and play.
Also I hope that perhaps some graphic driver problems will be solved on my Media Drivers with a kernel upgrade.

The default kernel of Kubuntu 8.10 seems not supporting the DVB-T Stick. I upgraded the kernel already on the Core once. The guide for this was on lmce Wiki for "Upgrading_the_Kernel". I upgraded to which worked for the Linux part (meaning the core booted up) but the linuxMCE part did not work anymore.

Do you recommend upgrading the kernel? If yes, do you have a reliable method of doing it?

When upgrading the kernel, is there anything to do on the LinuxMCE part?

When upgrading the kernel, will this upgrade also affect the kernel of my diskless Mediadirectors? Do I have to consider anything ?

I would be very thankful for any comment here to be able to use this wonderful LMCE solution at my home!

Thank you and best regards

Hi Tim!
Thank you very much for the hint to go via ssh from the core to the MoonXX.
It worked without getting the samba credential problem!

I splitted the questions in this thread in sepperate ones.

very best regards

Dear Community!
I was asked to open seperate Topics in the forum for my questions and I will follow this recommendation of course.

In the moment I run a core/hybrid with LMCE version 8.10 and want to run up to 3 Laptops as MDs diskless.
The core is running great.

My problems are related to the MDs I want to setup and specifically on the Graphic driver part.
I have the folowing Laptops (pretty old ones but they are running well - normaly with ubuntu)

1.) Dell Latitude D600

2.) Lenovo R61
Intel Graphics Media Accelerator for Mobile x3100

3.) HP 8510p
Graphic ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 2600

All three Laptops are booting diskless from the Core.
The Lenovo and the HP are coming up with the AV Wizard. After the AV Setup they are rebooting
and come up normally BUT the UI2 userinterface is flickering like hell.

The DELL D600 boots up without coming to the AV Wizard and stating an X- Error with a blue console background.

I read many pages on the Wiki of LMCE and the forum but there are sometimes to many different informations for me. Can you please help me in figuring out if there are specific drivers for my Laptops needed fo be installed on the Media Directors?
Are there any configuration hints/tricks in the xorg.conf per Laptop to be done?

I would highly appreciate your recommendations/experiences/comments here.

Thank you very much and very best regards

Installation issues / Several Installation Installation Issues on LMCE MDs
« on: November 17, 2011, 05:24:52 pm »
Greetings to the LMCE community from a new user!
I am new to LinuxMCE and new to this Forum. I tried to help myself with readings but
now it is mandatory to ask you to get forward in using his great Solution!

To my Setup
I am running a Hybrid Core/MD with LMCE version 8.10 and want to run up to 3 Laptops as MDs diskless.
The Core is pretty new Hardware (AMD Phenom II X4, NVIDIA GeForce GTX560, ...)
Also the latest NVIDIA Driver is working with the core.
It was a little tricky at the beginning but meanwhile the Core installation runs smooth and is also running great!

The installation script on the core (before beeing able to attach Diskless MDs is also working from the first try).

My problems are related to the MDs I want to setup and there on the Graphics part.
I have the folowing Laptops (pretty old ones but they are running well - normaly with ubuntu)

1.) Dell Latitude D600

2.) Lenovo R61
Intel Graphics Media Accelerator for Mobile x3100

3.) HP 8510p
Graphic ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 2600

All three Laptops are booting diskless from the Core.
The lenovo and the HP are coming up with the AV Wizard. After the AV Setup they are rebooting
and come up normally BUT the UI2 userinterface is flickering like hell.

The DELL D600 boots up without coming to the AV Wizard and stating an X- Error

My first question to you is if there are any people oyut there using the same Hardware on MDs and got it working?

My second question is related to any suggestions you make please explain how you can log into a MoonXX via SSH? Not the access via SSH is the problem but I have no username and password for the samba-helper which always asks me for user and password when I log into one of the Media Directors. Neither the credentials of the KUBUNTU user works nor the credentials of the LMCE user I set up. Please be patient with me and explain it step by step what I have to do to log into the MDs console. Thank you!!

My third question comes directly to the graphics problem.
I read many pages on the Wiki and the forum but there are sometimes to many different informations for me. Can you please help me in figuring out if there is a driver or even just a configuration change for the graphic chip built in the Laptops and how to install them corretly so that I do not destroy anything in the LMCE image?
The Dell will not evcen come up with the AV Wizard. Do you have any suggestions for me here?

My fourth and last question is related to the kernel of the core
Is it useful to update the kernel?
I have a DVB-T USB Stick (Afatech AF9015 DVB-T USB2.0 stick) which I would like to attach as TV Source but the default kernel of Kubuntu 8.10 seems not supporting this Stick. In Ubuntu 11.10 it runs "plug and play".
I updated the kernel already on the Core once. The guide for this was on lmce Wiki for Upgrading_the_Kernel
I upgraded to which worked for the Linux part but the linuxMCE did not work anymore.
Are there any suggestions from your side for upgrading the kernel? Do you think it is useful regarding the DVB-T and the Grafic problems?

Uhhhh there is one left ;-)
Can you post your working sources.list file for 8.10?
On "sudo apt-get update" I always get errors

I hope my questions are well explained and I would be very thankful for your suggestions and recommendations.
Thank you so much in advance for you help!

very best regards

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