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Topics - daci92

Motherboard:  Asus M4N78 PRO

CPU: AMD Athlon II X2 250 3.0GHz BOX

RAM: Corsair 4GB (2x 2GB) DDR2 800MHz, Matched pair XMS2 with Heat Spreader, TWIN2X4096-6400C5, Unbuffered, 5-5-5-18

HDD: WesternDigital 320GB 7200rpm 16MB Cache SATA-II Caviar Blue WD3200AAKS

Additional NIC: Asus Gigabit PCI Card NX1101 10/100/1000

Case:  ATX/ITX Micro Tower Desktop Hantol HCD21BK w/ 500W

i can get this machine for around $400 which is great so i need some opinions for the hardware if someone has used this components for a core/hybrid
Users / Asrock ION 3D 152D for hybrid ??
June 03, 2011, 11:41:49 AM
Hey ppl ,
Few days ago i started making plans about new hybrid but i made many changes and in the end i have one last change, the space where the core/hybrid should be.There are no chances for normal or midi,mini,micro ATX tower case to get in the rack so i should use nano tower case or simply complete pc with ion platform.As my country has limited choice of hardware i was not able to find just mother board from ITX form factor nor more than 2 cases for those MB, I found only two complete solutions.As the Subject of this topic says i found AsRock ION 3D 152D in one of the stores here but the problem is that it is not upgradeable trough expansion slots and it has only one integrated NIC and one Integrated Wireless NIC (you can see that on the link provided) . And the other was the Foxconn NT330 which i already use as MD and in fact i dont think that the foxconn could be Hybrid.

My question's if this computer can be hybrid and if it can would i be able to use those NICs for the needs on the hybrid and could i use USBtoLAN adapter if it is not possible to use the wireless for external network?
Does someone has experience with this computer?

I would appreciate if someone help me ...

After spending few hours trying to make this notebook to be MD i gave up and came to write here.
I had Acer Aspire One ZA3 model with the best performance (biggest screen,hdd,procesor etc.)
I made everything like on the pc (which i made to work like md) but after everything i went tru i gave up.
At first i have had problem determining what resolution will work and in the end 1024x768 was the one ,coz all the others didnt work ,after that i have had problems with the network , i resolved them with changing my cable and in the end when it comes to the girl everythin is very slow ,after i went tru the steps (idk how did i did it) at last when the orbiter should start creating screens it falls and it shows connecting to DCE router as requested ,few times like that (even the core fell the same way) then it gets back to the girl speaking ,doing the same steps it finishes the same ,and at last when i was so nervous i saw on the core that in the corner was written orbiter cannot connect with dce router

What is the problem ,did someone got the same problem like me ?
How did u fix it ?
Users / Mini ITX package's for mds
April 28, 2011, 10:28:43 AM
I'm ending with system testing and learning how does MCE functioning but now i have to make my media directors work so i have to buy new pcs which i dont know what to get .
I will complete them my self only what i want to know is does somebody had tried to use this package or some similar to it ?
i'm interested to use 5 of this for MD's but i'm not in mood for giving money just for fun ,so i'm asking for an opinion ,an review :)

Thanks in advance ,
Hey ppl,
Like in my other two topics i will say here too i'm newbie in MCE ,i just started learning it ,an trying to configure it.
Now ,
my problem is that i cannot get MD's running ,i'm trying to netboot but it is saying that cannot find configuration file in tfpboot...
I have tried with making media director in web admin ,but it is the same thing every time it is showing me the same error.

I'm using LinuxMCE-8.10-23887-i386.iso image from 09-Apr-2011 16:16  3.5G .

Have someone experienced this error/problem and can someone help me to solve it please.

Thank you,
At this moment i have connected two external drives with 3TB Audio and Video materials but i cant get them to work .
Manage drives reads them but i cannot get any of the data inside them ,even audio video options dont find anythin
Hello ppl
Few months ago i was trying to install the MCE and when i installed everything like it should it stopped at the A/V Wizard but i've got over it and now i'm trying to install MCE on another computer but here is the problem.
The repositories are changed or something else happens coz i cant install updates i install only 149MB of updates from the repositories which are in this post .
At first i the proxy was problem but i have resolved in /etc/bash.bashrc with writing this two lines at the end
export http_proxy="http://username:pass@proxy"
export ftp_proxy="http://username:pass@proxy"
After that i tryed to install updates and like i've said only 149MB downloaded and istalled.
I've run dist-upgrade and like miracle it's finished in no more than 5min.
i've restarted the pc and i've run LinuxMCE from the Desktop Folder and i've got error that many files are missing.
And nothing happend like it should ,Linux MCE is not installed.

Please help me what to do and if someone is sure which repositories are working send them here please.
Installation issues / After AV Wizard i get grey screen
January 27, 2011, 11:14:14 AM
Hi people i'm new in Linux especially in MCE so i will tell this simple.

I've had followed all steps for installing MCE and when i came to AV Wizard i had configured for my needs.
After than on the screen were showing some sentences that Orbiter was configuring something.At once the sentences stopped with showing on the screen and i've got Grey screen.I've waited for 10minutes and nothing happened so i have restarted my computer ,the procedure started from the beginning (the orbiter creating or configuring wizard started again) and the same happened again.
I'm waiting for 30 min now but nothing happens ,can somebody help me what should i do?

ps:Sorry if my English is bad but it is not my native.