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Installation issues / Packages.gz source address
February 03, 2011, 04:34:02 PM
Diskless creation fails
Can someone report a valid source for Packages.gz, my source is 404 down, moved renamed or gone.

the install fails at mdam.conf generation, .... running the Jan 30 2011 snapshot
Developers / Pool and Spa Equipment
January 17, 2011, 11:44:11 PM
Is anyone working on any swimming pool intergration with Jandy, Hayward, 0RP/Co2, salt gens.....
I understand pluto has some ref to Jandy equipment.
This should be a good fit like the greenhouse, and we like pool intergration with security.
Maybe I could help some way in this area.
If your working on any "pool/spa anything" please contact me.
Jandy has Aqualink web based software and rs232 that is really nice to control chemistry and equipment remotely
Intermatic has Z-Wave based timers and switches 120v-240v.
If we could surround Aqualink monitoring software, the above manufactures equipment could bring "some" older solution pumps and equipment into the 21st century:)
Some of the swimming pool industries competing smaller companies are head hunting for developers, the automatic chlorine generators that use salt have rushed automation in our industry.
Users / TMD400 zaptel.conf and Silent IVR issues
January 16, 2011, 04:31:25 AM
I have a TMD400 with 4 red modules, I installed the card before running the install DVD,(thought I would get lucky and not have to bash my head on the keyboard) my issue seems to have migrated from the installation section to the users section.
After I could not find the zaptel.conf file and apt-get install zaptel failed, I made an empty zaptel.conf file and then ran apt-get install zaptel...fxload also was installed.
I ran genzaptelconf -svdM
which rebuilt a zaptel.conf and I can now recieve inbound calls, I can not seem to configure my outbound routes and I did make 4 recordings for the IVR using my Polycom, but when I do 7777 from a phone or even call in on that zap trunk I hear nothing, I can press an ext and it will route correctly to the proper ext(s)
I see my wav files in the GUI and in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom
I tried in General settings to allow anon sip (no luck) I made sure to allow any incomming did's (no good)
I did clean up my log files it complained of no manager_custom.conf and manager_ sumpthin file so they were made too...
I need some help getting my outbound zap trunks configured, and find out why the IVR has wav files but does not play that file
I expect I did something wrong?
Help me if you can..thanks
Installation issues / Hardware Myth and Tv
December 21, 2010, 04:54:36 PM
My Specs:
Asus M4A77D
3.2 AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition
OCZ Vista Performace Ed. 4096MB PC6400 DDR2 800MHz

My problems, when I find /| grep mysql.txt and make sure all passwords are identical.
What should be the database hostname? given that I want to watch media from this core and have other MD's connecting to this core in the future.

Should it be : or dcerouter?
and should one edit

My setup is inside our private network and gets issued the  space at  for the external side.
starting clean install with the Dec 18 snapshot
any suggestions welcomed
Installation issues / Foscam Fi8905W
December 07, 2010, 07:51:01 PM
It Works!

Just follow the instructions at
this is the configuration you want to save:
netcam_url hxxp://<camera_ip_address>/videostream.cgi?user=XXXXX&pwd=XXXXX

I wanted to ask if someone, would recommend a current motherboard for United State area Hybrid Core, I wanted to install a Digium TMD400p and know well that it is best to be compatable on the board side. Also what would the recommendation be for the graphics if not built in, plus the compatable TV tuner recommendation would be appreciated.
Is anything availible at Best Buy etc  that could start my platform
I am a few years with a trixbox standalone, its time get intergrated with linuxmce.

My usage is expected to be mainly security cameras, Voip and some Home automation, and in that order.
I do not have time to watch much TV or play movies but do listen to my music.

Anbody using digium cards?